HP WOWsadel

SEK 900.00

Inkl. 25% Moms
WOW™ offers a range of 73 to 143 degrees!  And now we have 3 different types of headplate we call "V", "U" and "UU"styles, shown below and they all fit in the same tree!
The most commonly used are the "U" headplates which are available in 11 different sizes from 73 - 143 degrees.  The difference between each size is 7 degrees.
The "V" style are available in only three sizes 73, 80 and 87 degrees.  These are for horses with very narrow spinal processes and very little shoulder (rarely used).
The "UU" style are available in 5 sizes 73, 80, 87, 94 and 101.  These are for horses with exceptionally wide spinal processes and musculature.

Kategori Sadel tillbehör